I think you may have crossed wires and been thinking all this time that you were replying to someone else!
I have not talked about Mechanical Engineering in any of my comments...
I simply questioned your assertion that it is unnecessary to know computer science to build system software. I have shown to you that all the most famous people who built system software, such as Unix and Linux, and consequently Android and MacOS, which come from the former, were built by Computer Scientists. This is a matter of record and is plenty proved. It is also obvious that without training in some theoretical aspects of CS it would be impossible to program any IPC or scheduler, as they rely heavily on theoretical results to work.
What is this "theory' that you keep saying I have? I have no such theory. The only theories that I claim as my own regard Multi-Agent Systems and Cognitive Architectures.
I make no other claim than the above about A) python not being suitable for system software and not being commonly used for it, and B) that theoretical CS is indeed necessary to build some types of software.
These are not theories, they are observations of matters of fact. They are easily verifiable.
Facts are not theories: they can be checked and they are either true or false (theories can only be proven false, facts can also be proven true)
I have shown plenty of evidence that these are true facts. While you have made several demoinstrably false claims.
The fact that you refuse to engage in a discussion in real life and your fear of people who can be an authority in a field show that you are either very young or otherwise have some deep seated insecurity about theoretical CS and you seek to belittle it. Oh well... Look, I am sure you are a great software engineer. Be happy with it.