It's not hate if it is true.
Elon Musk is such a massive snake oil salesman and pathological liar that there are entire websites dedicated just to list and catalogue his lies. Enough said:
He is a lso a crook who uses his social media clout to manipulate the crypto market and extract billions for free:
Tesla is a zombie company that makes zero profits, and sucks on the government tit for benefits:
Tesla stocks are thought to be overvalued somewhere between 120 and 20,000%:
The whole Mars enterprise is a massive scam and is never going to happen for a million reasons that anyone with a modicum of scientific savvy has no difficulty to understand.
In fact, I am shocked at how incredibly naive people must be to believe this!
I wish you a good reading :)
[Since everything here is factual and from reputable sources, I would appreciate if any counterargument was not predicated on baseless optimism, wishful thinking, or worse, just believing the words of a chronic liar]