She knows what she 'feels' happened, surely. I have not read the account of what that privileged man thinks happened, though.
I believe her feelings are valid and I am not one to defend rich assholes, but it's also perfectly possible that one writes a book and the book is nonsense. I can think of many many books that are complete nonsense, one of them is the most printed book in the world. I want to believe what she felt is what happened but I don't think that because one man - or a bunch of men - behaved in a certain way, that one can draw the conclusion that "it's a thing" that all men do, or that only men do. That is a non-sequitur and I would say it is also patently false.
That said, I would like to make it clear that I am not saying patriarchy doesn’t exist, it most certainly does. But 'richarchy' also exists, perhaps even more so, and so do many other '*archies’.. explaining things is something people do, sometimes they may go overboard, if they feel entitled, they do it more. So probably men do it more than women, since because of patriarchy, men are more frequently privileged and have a _false and ludicrous_ sense of superiority. However I think it is unfair to call the phenomenon man-splaining, I would like it very much if we switched to privilege-splaining, because it would put decent people - men and women - on the same side